In this, the laptops become extremely hot and the fan throws extremely hot air. Most of the laptop after a long usage carry this major problem. Another major cause of this problem is of cooling hardware or the dust problem.

It can also be caused by using your laptop in a place having high temperature, or by placing your laptop over the heating absorbing items. Overheating is generally caused by excessive use of laptop. Studies shows that in randomly shut down of computer 9 out of 10 case it’s problem with overheating. These following information can greatly help you in understanding the issues and reasons why your laptop shuts down suddenly and how to fix them! Overheating The most commonly caused problems include, overheating, battery, hardware failure, ram cashing, faulty power supply, no laptop service, or window issue. No matter what, your laptop shuts down after an excessive use. This generally leads to dissatisfaction of the customers towards the desired brand companies like Dell, HP, Lenovo, Sony, etc. Most of the people do not understand the reason behind this problem. Yes, it is true that the excessive use of laptops leads to a random shut down.